TM 1-1520-238-102-52Change 8(6) Pressure Switch.Senses primary systempressure and informs the pilot and CPG of a low oil pres-sure condition by illuminating the PRI HYD PSI segmenton the pilot caution/warning panel and PRI HYD segmenton the CPG panel. This switch illuminates the segmentsuntil the system pressure is above 2050 psi and will againilluminate the segments when pressure falls below1250 psi.(7) Pressure Transducer.Measures hydraulicpressure on the pressure side of the manifold and trans-mits this value to the left side of the pilot dual hydraulicgauge.2.38.2 Utility Hydraulic System.The utility hydraulicsystem (fig 2-30) provides hydraulic power to the utilityside of the lateral cyclic, longitudinal cyclic, collective, anddirectional servo actuators. This system also provides hy-draulic power to the rotor brake, area weapon, externalstores, tail-wheel lock, ammo carrier drive, and APU start-er. The utility hydraulic pump (on the accessory drive caseof the main transmission right side) is identical to that inthe primary system. The hydraulic heat exchanger maystill be installed on some helicopters. The heat exchangeris obsolete and is being removed through attrition. Theonly significant difference in the two systems is the man-ifold, with an associated accumulator and gas reservoir.Additional components in the system are the accumulator,rotor brake, and the utility hydraulic return accumulatorthat dampens hydraulic pressure surges caused by sud-den actuation of the gun turret.a. Utility Manifold.The utility manifold (fig 2-31) isinstalled on the aft main fuselage deck on the right side. Itstores, filters, supplies, and regulates the flow of utility hy-draulic fluid. Demands on the utility system are muchgreater than those on the primary system, and the utilitymanifold installation is therefore larger, with a reservoircapacity of 1.3 gallons. Total system capacity is about 2.6gallons. An air-pressure relief valve, low-pressure reliefvalve, high-pressure relief valve, reservoir low-level indi-cating switch, fluid-level indicator, return filter, pressure fil-ter, pressure switch, and pressure transducer, are identi-cal in function to the primary system components. Thepilot caution/warning panel provisions are also similar; butthe lights are labeled OIL LOW UTIL HYD, OIL BYP UTILHYD, and UTIL HYD PSI.Low utility hydraulic pressurealso illuminates the CPG UTIL HYD light. The utility man-ifold also incorporates several other features not dupli-cated on the primary manifold. These are the utility accu-mulator hydraulic pressure transducer and rotor brakesolenoids.(1) Low-Level and Auxiliary IsolationValves.Permit hydraulic fluid to flow to the externalstores, ammo carrier drive, tail wheel lock actuator, andarea weapon turret. If the reservoir fluid level decreasessignificantly, the reservoir piston, driven by PAS air, willcontact and close the low-level valve. The auxiliary isola-tion valve, which normally requires two sources of pres-sure to permit fluid flow, will then close and deny hydraulicpower to the area weapon turret, the external stores ac-tuators, and the ammo carrier drive.(2) Shutoff Valve.Located in the pressure lineto the directional servo and TAIL WHL lock actuator is ac-tuated by the low-level switch in the utility system reser-voir. The utility side of the directional servo actuator andthe TAIL WHL lock actuator will be inoperative if a low util-ity system fluid level is sensed.(3) Accumulator Isolation Valve.Normally iso-lates accumulator pressure from the rest of the utility sys-tem but allows system flow from the pump to pass througha portion of the valve and on to the utility side of the tan-dem servo actuators.(4) Override Solenoid Valve.Normally de-en-ergized closed, permits crew management of the accumu-lator reserve pressure. When the pilot or CPG places hisEMER HYDswitch ON, the override solenoid valve willenergize open and accumulator fluid will pass to the accu-mulator isolation valve via emergency routing. In thiscase, another portion of the accumulator isolation valvewill permit accumulator fluid to flow to the utility side of theservo actuators. The EMER HYD switch is poweredthrough the EMERG HYDcircuit breaker on the pilot over-head circuit breaker panel.(5) Accumulator Hydraulic Pressure Transduc-er.Located in the manifold will provide the pilot with acontinual indication of accumulator pressure on the accu-mulator hydraulic pressure indicator. During normal op-eration, the indicated pressure will be the same as that ofthe utility hydraulic system.
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