TM 1-1520-238-232-1362.48.COCKPIT SEALING – continuedd. Seal gaps smaller than 0.12 INCH wide as fol-lows:(1) Apply sealing compound to gap so that seal-ant overlaps edge of material. Use sealingcompound (item 177, App F).(2) Verify that no voids or bubbles exist in sealantafter application.e. Apply sealing compound under joggle untilsealant fills joggle and extrudes from eachside of joggle area.Remove excess. Usesealing compound (item 177, App F).f. Inspect (QA).2.48.8. TapeSealinga. Tape over voids with pressure sensitive tape.Use tape (item 206, App F).b. Inspect (QA).END OF TASKM04-3312-60.12 IN MIN(3.05 MM)0.06IN MIN(1.5 MM)0.12 IN(3.05 MM)GAP SEALM04-3312-7 JOGGLE SEALM04-3312-8TAPEVOID
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