TM 1-1520-238-23Change 510-9310.20.FORWARD AND AFT FUEL/DEFUEL CHECK VALVE DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY(AVIM) – continued d. Remove flapper assembly (9) from valve as-sembly (5).e. Remove cable grommet (14), packing (15),and packing (16) from valve assembly (5).(1) Discard two packings (15) and (16) andgrommet (14).CAUTIONDefuel flapper assembly has spring ten-sion applied. To prevent injury, use cau-tion during disassembly.f. Remove defuel flapper support (17) from flap-per assembly (18).(1) Remove and discard two cotter pins (19).(2) Remove flapper spring axle (20) and flappersupport springs (21) and (22).10.20.4. Cleaninga. Wipe removed and attaching parts with aclean rag.10.20.5. Inspectiona. Check removed and attaching parts forcracks, nicks, gouges, or broken parts (para10.1).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-2698-491651415M04-2698-11222118172019
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