TM 1-1520-238-2311-1104Change 111.262.TAIL ROTOR SWASHPLATE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedNOTETo prevent bolt from binding within theclevis, ensure clevis bore is free of for-eign material before connecting swash-plate to bellcrank.d. Install swashplate (2) on bellcrank (16). Torquenut (18) 65 to 85 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Install bushing (21) in swashplate (2).(2) Check fit of self-retaining bolt (17) (para11.1).(3) Apply primer to bolt (17). Use primer coating(item 147, App F).(a) Do not apply primer on threads.(b) Install wet.(4) Install bolt (17) through washer (20), bracket(7), bushing (21), swashplate (2), and bell-crank (16).(5) Install nut (18).(6) Torque nut (18) to 65 INCH-POUNDS. Usetorque wrench.(7) Increase torque to aline cotter pin hole, but donot exceed 85 INCH-POUNDS.(8) Install new cotter pin (19).(9) Apply adhesive to bolt (17) and nut (18). Useadhesive (item 7, App F).GO TO NEXT PAGE17M04-1754-5220716191821
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