TM 1–1520–238–T–14–54–2DASE – INTERACTIVE FD/LS CHECK4–2Personnel Required:(2)References:TM 1-1520-238-T-6TM 1-1520-238-T-7TM 1-1520-238-23TM 9-1230-476-20-1TM 9-1230-476-20-2TM 11-1520-238-23-1TM 11-1520-238-23-2NOTEFor a helicopter with back–up control system(BUCS) deactivated, make sure ASE BUCScircuit breaker on pilot center circuit breakerpanel (fig.2–6) is open and locked. Digitalautomatic stabilization equipment (DASE)FD/LS is an interactive check which promptsthe operator to act. The DASE FD/LS checkis discontinued when an advisory message28 VDC BUCS NO–GOis displayed.Remaining DASE FD/LS check displays aredeactivated and do not occur.For a helicopter with BUCS deactivated,BUCS FAILindicators on the pilot andco–pilot/gunner (CPG) Master Caution andWarning panels (fig.2–9 and 2–36) arenormally lit.Control/switch position changes prompted byFD/LS must be performed within 30 secondsof prompt message, or a false NO–GOmessage appears.If FD/LS message on HOD does not changewithin 2 seconds after responding to theprompt (acknowledge), discontinue FD/LStest; go to TM 1-1520-238-T-7 and performthe DASE – OPERATIONAL CHECK.Primary and utility hydraulics are required forDASE – INTERACTIVE FD/LS CHECK.If the AGPU is selected to provide power tothe aircraft, refer to paragraph 3–1. If the APUis selected to provide power to the aircraft,refer to paragraph 3–3.1. Perform SYSTEMS – POWER–UP procedures inaccordance with paragraph 3–1.
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