TM 11520238T1
Change 5
e. On DEK, rotate
to SP1 (ADC). On
CDU select NAV
The first page of the aircraft
position menu is displayed.
Go to next step (ADC). MV
data is displayed on line 2.
Go to step h (ADD).
f. On DEK, press and
release the ENTER
SPACE key (ADC).
The second page of the
aircraft position menu is
g. On DEK, press and
release L SHIFT and
MNO/5 keys (ADC).
The cursor appears under the
first character in the MV line
and both begin flashing.
h. Enter the MV data
into the DEK (ADC).
Enter the MV data
into the CDU (ADD).
The MV data is being edited
during this operation and
after the last character has
been entered, the edit mode
is automatically exited (ACY).
Press MID and 2 (E) to save
data (ACZ). Go to next step
(ADC). Press VAB 1. New
data will overwrite old data.
Go to step j (ADD).
i. On DEK, press and
release L SHIFT and
STU/7 keys (ADC).
The cursor appears under the
first character in the SPH line
and both begin flashing.
j. Enter the SPH data
into DEK (ADC).
Enter the datum data
preceded by D into
the CDU (ADD).
The SPH data is being edited
during this operation and
after the last character has
been entered, the edit mode
is automatically exited (ACY).
Press MID and 2 (E) to save
data (ACZ). Go to next step
(ADC). Press VAB 1. New
data will overwrite old data.
Go to step m (ADD).
k. On DEK, press and
release the ENTER
SPACE key (ADC).
The first page of the aircraft
position menu is displayed.
l. On DEK, press and
release L SHIFT and
PQR/6 keys (ADC).
The cursor appears under the
first character in the PPOS
line and both begin flashing.