TM 11520238T1
Personnel Required:
TM 9-1230-476-20-2
The FD/LS End to End (ETE) check is a
continuous limited keystroke execution of all
the maintenance mode FD/LS tests, except
for the APU, generator, and transmission
tests. It is not normally used for routine
maintenance. Unnecessary exercising of this
FD/LS check shortens the operational life
span of flight critical and mission essential
aircraft systems that FD/LS monitors.
For a helicopter with BUCS deactivated,
make sure ASE BUCS circuit breaker on pilot
center circuit breaker panel (fig. 26) is open
and locked. DASE FD/LS is an interactive
check which prompts the operator to act. The
DASE FD/LS check is discontinued when an
advisory message 28 VDC BUCS NOGO is
displayed. Remaining DASE FD/LS check
displays are deactivated and do not occur.
For a helicopter with BUCS deactivated,
BUCS FAIL indicators on the pilot and CPG
master caution and warning panels (fig. 29
and fig. 236) are normally lit.
Control/switch position changes prompted by
FD/LS must be performed within 30 seconds
of prompt message, or a false NOGO
message appears.
If FD/LS message on HOD (fig. 234) does
not change within 2 seconds after responding
to the prompt (acknowledge), discontinue
FD/LS test; go to appropriate system
operational check.
Primary and utility hydraulics are required for
If the AGPU is selected to provide power to
the aircraft, refer to paragraph 31. If the APU
is selected to provide power to the aircraft,
refer to paragraph 33.