TM 55-6930-214-10
2-19. GENERAL. The CMS is a fully operational combat mission simulator with
separate pilot and CPG simulator compartments. Each has its own six degree-of
freedom motion system, visual system, and instructor/operator station. Each cock-
pit station duplicates its portion of the actual helicopter cockpit configuration.
The CMS simulates, in real-time, applicable normal and emergency aircraft operation
with respect to both transient and steady-state flight conditions. Operation of
the CMS involves such capabilities as engine performance, flying qualities, weapons
systems performance and operation, aircraft systems performance and operation,
radio communications and navigation systems performance and operation, environ-
mental effects, nap-of-the-earth operation, and flightpath. Simulation is reflec-
ted by appropriate trainee and IOS station instrument and aural indications,
aircraft control reactions, visual cue presentations, and display traces responding
t o trainee, instructor, and computer-programmed control inputs. Use of the CMS
when the visual and/or motion system is inoperative severely limits training capa-
2-20. TRAINING OBJECTIVES. The CMS can be used to provide transition training
proficiency flying, and weapons delivery practice. The CMS can also be used to
train pilots to perform all normal and emergency flight maneuvers, weapons delivery
operations, nap-of-the-earth flight and navigation, and starting, runup, and shut-
down procedures. It is capable of full mission simulation, and it can be used for
training of both the pilot and CPG simultaneously on the same mission or indepen-
dently on different missions. This is accomplished in either integrated or inde-
pendent operating modes of visual, motion, and cockpit simulation available to both
pilot and CPG in any situation. The CMS can also be used for the training of
instructor pilots.
Training maneuvers are not limited to those listed in this paragraph.
a. Basic Maneuvers.
Training for the following basic aircraft maneuvers can be
Normal approach to a hover
Cockpit procedures
Normal approach to the ground
Startup and initial hover
S t r a i g h t - a n d - l e v e l flight
Hovering flight (including turns)
Level turns
Traffic pattern
Straight climbs and descents
Normal takeoff from a hover
Turning climbs and descents
Normal takeoff from the ground
Training for the following advanced aircraft maneuvers
b. Advanced Maneuvers.
can be conducted:
Maximum performance takeoff
Steep approach
Basic autorotation (power recovery and termination with power)
DASE OFF (digital automatic stabilization equipment) flight
Running landings
High-speed flight
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