TM 55-6930-214-10
Navigation and communication radio capabilities are provided
b. Nav/Comm Radio.
c. Tactical Environment. Any of 15 different weapon loading configurations are
a v a i l a b l e for firing at 10 active targets, five of which can be moving, selected
from the targets available. Appropriate weapon effects are used to enhance own
weapons targets and threats.
d. Atmospheric Environment. The simulated environment can be controlled by the
instructor to provide variable winds, turbulence levels (light, moderate, severe),
gusts, temperature, and barometric pressure. Temperature in degrees centigrade and
barometric pressure in inches of mercury are displayed on the instructor/operator
station (IOS) and are referenced at mean sea level. The indications presented on
the cockpit instruments, and as seen by the computer, are pressure altitude and
temperature based upon application of standard lapse (2OC/1000 feet).
e . Motion Cues. A six-degree-of-freedom motion base provides motion cues of
pitch, roll, yaw, heave, longitudinal, and lateral. The simulation is further en-
hanced by a seat vibration system for both the pilot and CPG seats. The seat
vibration system can provide continuous and periodic oscillations and vibrations
experienced during normal and emergency flight conditions, including progressive
Both motion and vibration can be selected or deselected at the IOS
console CRT.
f . Environmental Sound Cues. Environmental sound cues are available at five
levels of loudness and can be selected and varied at the IOS console CRT.
g. Seat Positions. Each flight simulator compartment provides seat positions
for one trainee, an instructor, and an observer.
h. Special Capabilities. The CMS has some limitations that preclude its utiliza-
tion for training in certain maneuvers. The most serious limitation is in the area
of visual field-of-view required for contact flight. On the other hand, the CMS
provides the following unique capabilities that the operational aircraft cannot
(1) Freeze simulator action at any instant.
(2) Initiate a training program at any one of 45 predefined locations within
the game environment from which the flight can proceed.
(3) Reset to an initialization point that has been modified.
R e s e t is identical to initialization, indicated by freeze
indicator blinking.
(4) Override an impending aircraft crash.
(5) Dynamically record and play back up to previous 5 minutes of a current
(6) Insertion of up to 15 of approximately 336 malfunctions simultaneously.