TM 55-6930-214-10
(2) By both pilot and CRG in the independent mode, each flying completely
separate and independent aircraft.
(3) By the instructor via prerecorded demonstrations in either integrated or
independent modes.
c. Trainee Tasks. The task of a trainee in the CMS is
to learn, practice, and
and CPG positions on the
verify the skills and knowledge associated with the pilot
proficiency flying,
actual helicopter. The CMS provides transition training,
weapons delivery practice, and the training of instructor
(1) through (3) (Deleted)
d. Instructor Tasks. The task of the instructor is to f a c i l i t a t e and verify
learning by the trainee crew. Instructional and operational functions include:
Selection of mission or lesson plan.
P r e f l i g h t briefing of trainees.
Demonstration of proper techniques and procedures.
Observation, monitoring, and critique of trainee performance.
Evaluation of individual or crew training needs.
Identification of areas that need coaching or more special practice.
Scheduled structuring of subsequent practice.
Preproblem setup of helicopter configuration and position.
Setup and modification of environmental conditions.
Random insertion and removal of simulated malfunctions.
Hardcopy recording of important aspects of trainee performance.
Monitoring and controlling operational status of simulator.
Serving as an air traffic controller when appropriate.
Act as other factors, i.e., remote designator on the battlefield.
Act as controller for threat forces.
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