TM 55-6930-214-10
High-speed dive (normal)
High-speed dive (steep)
Running takeoff
Night operations
Training for the following emergency aircraft maneuvers
c. Emergency Maneuvers.
can be conducted:
Forced landings (normal and high speed)
Autorotative glides and turns
Simulated tail rotor control failure
Simulated hydraulic failure
Emergency procedures (including emergency shutdown procedures)
Autorotations with turns (power recovery, termination with power, touchdown)
Hovering autorotation
Basic autorotations (power recovery, termination with power, touchdown)
Low flat glide autorotation
Low-level, high-speed autorotation (with power recovery, termination with
power, touchdown)
d. Nap-of-the-Earth Maneuvers. Training for the following low-level nap-of-the-
earth (NOE) aircraft maneuvers can be conducted:
Low-level navigation techniques
Hovering in and out of ground effect
NOE takeoff
NOE flight
NOE approach
NOE downwind takeoff
NOE downwind flight
NOE downwind approach
NOE navigation
NOE radio procedure
NOE quick stop
Masking and unmasking techniques
Scan and detection techniques
e. Gunnery Maneuvers.
Training for the following tactical gunnery maneuvers can
be conducted:
Weapons cockpit procedures
Internal Boresight setting
Diving fire
Running fire
Diving to running fire
Low-level/NOE firing (combat sight setting)
Low-level/NOE firing
Capabilities of the various areas and sys-
tems of the CMS are outlined below.
a. Visual Area Navigation. A simulated area of terrain 32 km by 40 km contains
28 navigation aids (radio stations).
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