TM 1-1520-238-23Change 22-3012.86.ROTOR SUPPORT MIXER ASSEMBLY AND BOLT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued(6) Aline washer (3) so that at least four tabs ofwasher (3) may be bent against bolt (1). In-crease torque to improve alinement. Do notexceed 280 FOOT-POUNDS. Use torquewrench and torque wrench adapter.(7) Bend at least four tabs of washer (3) againstbolt (1).d. Apply a continuous bead of sealing com-pound around bolt head (1) and washer (3).Use sealing compound (item 177, App F).e. Apply a continuous bead of sealing com-pound around shoulder of support (4). Usesealing compound (item 177, App F).f. Inspect (QA).g. Install rotor support mast support base(para 2.88).END OF TASK231M04-3306-54M04-3306-6
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