TM 1-1520-238-233-56Change 33.16.MAIN LANDING GEAR TRAILING ARM ASSEMBLY REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuedl. Install end cap (8) in cross tube (9). Torque twonuts (11) 65 to 70 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Install end cap (8) in tube (9).(2) Install threaded stud (13) through tube (9)and end cap (8).(3) Install two washers (12) and nuts (11).(4) Hold two nuts (11). Torque each nut (11) to 65INCH-POUNDS. Use torque wrench.(5) Increase torque to aline cotter pin holes, butdo not exceed 70 INCH-POUNDS.(6) Install two new cotter pins (10).m. Install brake tube (1) and jumper (2) on trailingarm (3).(1) Install jumper (2) with bracket (6) and braketube (1) with bracket (7) under clamp (5).(2) Install nut (4) on clamp (5).(3) Perform electrical bond check on bondingjumper (2) (TM 55-1500-323-24).(a) Bond shall be 1.0 OHM or less. Usemultimeter.(4) Seal jumper (2) and clamp (5) bonding area.Use sealing compound (item 178, App F).(5) Install three clamps (5) on brackets (7).(6) Install three nuts (4) on clamps (5).n. Inspect (QA).GO TO NEXT PAGE1013121011938M04-055-211211M04-055-22753124176354
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