TM 1-1520-238-239-4439.118.CPG CAUTION/WARNING PANEL FIXED CAPACITOR C1 OR C2 REPLACEMENT(AVIM) – continued9.118.6. InstallationWARNINGSoldering iron can cause severeburns to personnel and start fires.Observe all safety precautions whenusing soldering iron. If injury occurs,seek medical aid.CAUTIONEnsure that capacitor polarity is not re-versed during installation. Accidental po-larity reversal will damage capacitor and/orother internal components of pilot caution/warning panel.a. Install capacitor (C1) or (C2) (4) in clip (5).(1) Install new sleeves (8) on leads (6). Useinsulating sleeving (item 98, App F)(TM 55-1500-323-24).(2) Position capacitor (4) in clip (5) and secureleads (6) to posts (7) (TM 55-1500-323-24).(3) Solder leads (6) to posts (7). Use solderingiron and solder(item 189, App F)(TM 55-1500-323-24).GO TO NEXT PAGE504-4223-44678
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