TM 1-1520-238-2311-14511.26.COLLECTIVE STICK STABILATOR MANUAL SWITCH REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued11.26.6. InstallationWARNINGSoldering iron can cause severeburns to personnel and start fires.Observe all safety precautions whenusing soldering iron. If injury occurs,seek medical aid.a. Solder identified wires (9) and (10) to switches(11)and (12). Use soldering iron and solder(item 189, App F) (TM 55-1500-323-24).b. Inspect (QA).c. Install cover (7) on chassis (1).(1) Position cover (7) on chassis (1).(2) Install three screws (8).d. Install switch assembly (1) on collective stick(2).(1) Position switch assembly (1) on stick (2).(2) Install two screws (5) and washers (6)through holes (3) and (4) into stick (2).e. Inspect (QA).f. Install collective stick grip assembly (para11.24).g. Perform stabilator maintenance operationalcheck (TM 1-1520-238-T).END OF TASKM04-2190-4910111218788M04-2190-51M04-2190-61462536
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