TM 1-1520-238-2316-10Change 816.2.PYLON REMOVAL/INSTALLATION - continuede. Check pylon rack hooks for allowable releasetorque.(1) Position rack hooks to the indicated HOOK-LOCKEDposition.(2) Move rack hooks to the indicated HOOK-UN-LOCKED position. Use torque wrench. Notetorque reading at release point.(3) Rack is operational if torque reading is lessthan 120 INCH-POUNDS. Repair rack iftorque reading to open rack hooks is greaterthan 120 INCH-POUNDS (para 16.5).f. Check all components for corrosion; paying par-ticular attention to suspension hook, hollow pivotpin, actuator shaft bearing nut, inner and outershell surfaces (para 1.49).(1) Unpitted surface corrosion is acceptable if itcan be removed with a scouring pad. Use pad(item 130, App F). Refinish cleaned parts(TM 55-1500-345-23).(2) Corrosion pits are unacceptable. Replaceparts that have corrosion pits.(3) Replace steel parts that have pitted or brokencadmium plating.16.2.6. Installationa. Just before installing pylon (1), clean and lu-bricate mating surface of hydraulic couplingsfemale half (4) and male half (5).(1) Clean mating surfaces of hydraulic couplingsfemale half (4) and male half (5). Use cloth(item 52, App F) dampened with isopropylalcohol (item 106, App F).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-1217-6PACKINGRETAINERM04-1217-341M04-1217-55
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