TM 1-1520-238-23
G.1.5. Calculations
For the AH-64A helicopter, ARM equals Fuselage Station (F.S.) and Moment = Weight X ARM.
Addition of weights or moments is acceptable, but the addition of ARMS is NOT acceptable.
Record all calculations and data on Aircraft Weighing Record, DD Form 365-2. See Figure G-3 and
G-4 for form illustration and block locations.
a. Obtain weights for items on board when weighed, but not part of the helicopter basic weight (jack
adapters and strut locks) and record in block 20.
Jack adapters (2):
Arm = 120.2
Strut Locks (2):
Arm = 122.5
Record weight (as negative value) and ARM (as positive value) of above items in WEIGHT and ARM column,
block 20 (reverse side of DD Form 365-2).
Reaction Locations:
All three jack points are Jig Points and do not require measurements. The dimensions
E = 120.2 in.
F = 450.0 in.
Record E in block 5, 14 and 26.
Record F in block 6, 15 and 26.
b. Fill in identifying data on top of DD Form 365-2.
c. Record average of scale readings (weighing #1 + weighing #2 divided by 2) in blocks 8, 9, and 11.
d. Add data in block 8 and 9 and record sum (subtotal) in block 10.
e. Add data in block 10 and 11 and record sum (total) in block 12.
f. Calculate subtotal and tail moments.
(1) Multiply block 10 and block 14 and record result in block 17.
(2) Multiply block 11 and block 15 and record result in block 18.
g. Add moments in blocks 17 and 18 and record sum (total) in block 19.
h. Divide moment in block 19 by the weight in block 12 and enter result (ARM as weighed) in blocks 16
and 7.