TM 1-1520-238-232-1732.56.CPG STATION ACCESS DOOR MECHANISM REPAIR (AVIM) – continuedr. Install lever (14) on door (2).(1) Position lever (14) on door (2).(2) Install pin (18) through door (2), lever (14),and washer (19).(3) Install pin (16) through turnbuckle (20), lever(14), and washer (17).(4) Install two new cotter pins (15).s. Install covers (9), (10), and (11) on door (2).(1) Install 29 screws (12) through washers (13),covers (9), (10), and (11), and door (2).t. Install cover (4) on door (2).(1) Hold seal (7) back. Install five screws (8)through cover (4) and door (2).(2) Install five screws (5) through washers (6),cover (4), and door (2).GO TO NEXT PAGEM04-1441-36VIEW ROTATEDVIEW ROTATED15171620181519142M04-1441-379101112213TYPICAL 29PLACESM04-1441-38274658
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