TM 1-1520-238-232-412Change 82.113.HORIZONTAL STABILATOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued(8) Hold two bolts (32). Use socket.(9) Torque two nuts (31) to 225 INCH-POUNDS.Use torque wrench, crowfoot, and adapter.(10) Laterally center stabilator (2) so that gapsbetween pivot lugs (38) and (37) are equalwithin 0.010 INCH on both sides of helicopter.(11) Measure gaps under flanges of two spacers(34) and faces of mating angles (42).(12) Go to 2.113.3.e. to remove two nuts (31),washers (33).(13) Measure thickness of two shims (35). Re-quired shim (35) thickness is 0.001 INCH to0.003 INCHless than measured gap in stepa.(11). Peel shim leaves or replace shims andpeel off layers to meet gap requirement, ifneeded.(14) Install two shims (35), spacers (34), washers(33), and nuts (31). Turn spacers (34) to alinekeys in spacers (34) with slots in bearings(41).b. Torque two nuts (31) 1100 to 1300 INCH-POUNDS.(1) Hold two bolts (32). Use open end wrench.(2) Torque two nuts (31) to 1100 INCH-POUNDS. Use torque wrench, crowfoot, andadapter.(3) Increase torque to aline cotter pin holes, butdo not exceed 1300 INCH-POUNDS.(4) Install two new cotter pins (30) in nuts (31)and bolts (32).GO TO NEXT PAGE3131M04-2028-10323433363730403935383234423435M04-2028-16M04-2028-173441
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