TM 1-1520-238-2311-90Change 411.12.AFT LONGITUDINAL BELLCRANK REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continuede. Install servocylinder (1) on bellcrank (2).(1) Aline servocylinder (1) with bellcrank (2).(2) Insert alinement bolt (2.1) halfway throughbellcrank (2), nylon washer (8), and servocy-linder (1) from inboard side of bellcrank.(3) Insert bushing (7) through bellcrank (2) until itseats against servocylinder (1).CAUTIONThreads of bolt and nut shall be cleanand compound free. Contaminatedthreads can cause improper torque,which may cause damage to flight controlsystem.(4) Apply a light coat of corrosion preventivecompound to shank of bolt (4). Use corrosionpreventive compound (item 62A, App F).(5) Install bolt (4) through washer(s) (6) (if re-quired) and force alinement bolt (2.1) out ofbellcrank (2).(6) Check fit of self-retaining bolt (4) (para 11.1).GO TO NEXT PAGE82.1172M04-1719-11M04-1719-1216422.1
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