TM 1-1520-238-23Change 511-9711.14.MAIN ROTOR PITCH LINK REMOVAL/INSTALLATION – continued11.14.6. Installationa. Install link (1) on pitch change horn (2). Torquenut (5) 75 to 91 FOOT-POUNDS.(1) Position link (1) so that left-hand threaded rodend is on top side of barrel and alined withpitch change horn (2).(2) Install bushing (7) in pitch change horn (2).CAUTIONThreads of bolt and nut shall be cleanand compound free. Contaminatedthreads can cause improper torque,which may cause damage to flight controlsystem.NOTEA maximum of four washers are allowedunder bolt head (if required) to ensurebushing clamp-up and pin hole alines.(3) Apply a light coat of corrosion preventivecompound to shank of bolt (4). Use corrosionpreventive compound (item 62A, App F).(4) Install bolt (4) through washer(s) (6), bushing(7), pitch change horn (2), and link (1).(5) Check fit of self-retaining bolt (4) (para 11.1).(6) Hold bolt (4). Install nut (5). Use open endwrench.(7) Hold bolt (4). Torque nut (5) to 75 FOOT-POUNDS. Use torque wrench, socket, andopen end wrench.(8) Increase torque to aline cotter pin hole, but donot exceed 91 FOOT-POUNDS.(9) Install new cotter pin (3).(10) Apply sealing compound around bolt (4)head, washer (7), and nut (5). Use sealingcompound (item 176, App F).GO TO NEXT PAGETYPICAL-4 PLACES4762351M04-1729-8AVIEWROTATED
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