CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF CHANGE SYMBOLSCHAPTER 2 AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONEQUIPMENT STOWAGE COMPARTMENTSFigure 2-2. General Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-2. General Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-3. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-4. Turning Radius and Ground ClearanceFigure 2-5. Danger AreasLANDING GEAR - TM-1-1520-238-10_045 FLIGHT CONTROLSFigure 2-7. Pilot Station DiagramFigure 2-8. CPG Station DiagramFigure 2-9. Pilot Instrument PanelFigure 2-10. CPG Instrument PanelFigure 2-11. Pilot Control ConsolesFigure 2-12. CPG Control ConsolesCREW COMPARTMENTSFigure 2-13. Armor ProtectionFigure 2-14. Crewmember Seat (Both Crew Stations)Section II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTFigure 2-15. Fire Detection and Extinguishing ControlsFIRST AID KITSSection III. ENGINES AND RELATED SYSTEMFigure 2-16. T700-GE-701 / T700-GE-701C Engine (Sheet 1 of 2)ENGINE AND ENGINE INLET ANTI-ICE SYSTEMENGINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEMElectrical Control Unit (ECU) Engine TGT Limiter Function Figure 2-18. Signal Validation - Fault CodesENGINE ALTERNATORENGINE STARTING SYSTEM ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMENGINE INSTRUMENTS.Figure 2-20. Engine Instrument Test Panel ENGINE CAUTION/WARNING ANNUNCIATORSSection IV. FUEL SYSTEMTransfer Switch (TRANS). The TRANSTable 2-1. Pilot Fuel Control Panel Switch FunctionsFigure 2-23. Fuel System (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-23. Fuel System (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 2-2. CPG Fuel Control Panel Switch FunctionsFuel Quantity IndicatorsNitrogen Inerting Unit (NIU)Section V. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 2-25. Primary Flight Control SystemFigure 2-26. Cyclic Stick Grip and Collective Stick Controls Trim Feel ASE Control PanelBackup Control System (BUCS)OperationSeverance between crewstationsTable 2-3. BUCS Flight Transfer of ControlsBUCS ON ProceduresStabilator System.Section VI. HYDRAULIC AND PRESSURIZED AIR SYSTEMSFigure 2-29. Primary Hydraulic System Utility Hydraulic SystemFigure 2-30. Utility Hydraulic System Utility AccumulatorShaft Driven Compressor (SDC)Section VII. POWER TRAIN SYSTEMFigure 2-32. Power TrainRotor Brake (RTR BK) SwitchROTOR SYSTEMSection IX. UTILITY SYSTEMSAIR DATA DCRotor Blade De-Icing Rotary Switch OperationFigure 2-35. Wire Strike Protection SystemSection X. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEMSECS Caution/Warning LightSection XI. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSGeneratorsFigure 2-38. Electrical Power Distribution System (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-38. Electrical Power Distribution System (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-39. Pilot Overhead Circuit Breaker Panels (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-39 Pilot Overhead Circuit Breaker Panels (Sheet 2 of 2)CPG NO. 1 CIRCUIT BREAKER PANELSection XII. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT95% Cold Start SwitchLIGHTING EQUIPMENTInspection and Maintenance LightTM-1-1520-238-10_121Free Air Temperature (FAT) IndicatorTable 2-3. Master Caution Panel IndicationsFigure 2-44. Pilot and CPG Caution/Warning PanelsFigure 2-44.1 Pilot and CPG Caution/Warning Panels (Modified)Table 2-4. Pilot Caution/Warning Light SegmentsTable 2-4. Pilot Caution/Warning Light Segments - continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_128Table 2-4. Pilot Caution/Warning Light Segments - continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_129Table 2-4. Pilot Caution/Warning Light Segments - continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_130Table 2-5. CPG Caution/Warning Light Segments continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_131Table 2-5. CPG Caution/Warning Light Segments continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_132Section XV. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORINGSingle-Point Pressure RefuelingRefueling of External Auxiliary TanksFigure 2-45. Servicing Diagram (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 2-45 Servicing Diagram (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 2-45 Servicing Diagram (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 2-45 Servicing Diagram (Sheet 4 of 4)Table 2-7. Fuel and Lubricant Specifications and CapacitiesTable 2-8. Approved FuelsTable 2-8. Approved Fuels continuedTable 2-9. Approved Oils PARKINGFigure 2-47. Protective Covers, Mooring, Towing (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-47. Protective Covers, Mooring, Towing (Sheet 2 of 2)CHAPTER 3 AVIONICSTable 3-1. Communication/Navigation EquipmentTable 3-1. Communication/Navigation Equipment continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_150Table 3-1. Communication/Navigation Equipment continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_151Figure 3-1. Antenna Arrangement (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 3-1. Antenna Arrangement (Sheet 2 of 2)Section II. COMMUNICATIONSTable 3-2. CSC Panel Control and Indicator FunctionsTable 3-2. CSC Panel Control and Indicator Functions continuedFigure 3-4. Control Panel AN/ARC-186Table 3-3. AN/ARC-186(V) Controls and FunctionsModes of OperationWideband/Narrowband SelectionTable 3-4. RT-1167C/ARC-164(V) Controls and FunctionsTable 3-4. RT-1167C/ARC-164(V) Controls and Functions continuedAnti-Jamming Mode OperationWarning Tones.1,020 Hz Tone Signal Transmission (MAIN) Pro- cedures Transmitting TOD from Net Control HelicopterAntennaManual Single Word Of Day (SWOD) LoadingVerifying MWOD is LoadedNet Numbers. - TM-1-1520-238-10_170 RADIO SET RT-1518C/ARC-164 HAVEQUICK II (HQ II) RADIOTable 3-6. RT-1518C/ARC-164 Controls and FunctionsHaveQuick (HQ) OperationInitializing the Word Of Day (WOD)MWOD Loading using KYK13 Keyfill Device Alternate MWOD Erase Loading GPS Time with Single Word of Day (WODNet Numbers. - TM-1-1520-238-10_178Table 3-5. Z-AHQ Power Interface Adapter Control and Indicator FunctionsTable 3-6. Z-AHP Remote Control Unit Control and Indicator FunctionsFigure 3-6. Voice Security System Equipment Preliminary OperationVOICE SECURITY SYSTEM TSEC/KY-28Table 3-8. AN/ARC-201 Control FunctionsTable 3-8. AN/ARC-201 Control Functions continuedModes of OperationSetting a Frequency Offset (Non-ECCM Mode Only)Loading ECCM Net Parameters and Lockout ChannelsSection III. NAVIGATIONTable 3-9. AN/ARN-89 Control Functions continuedAUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER SET AN/ARN-149(V)3Table 3-10. AN/ARN-149(V)3 ADF Control Panel Control FunctionsANT (audio only) OperationHeading Attitude Reference System (HARS). a. System DescriptionControls and FunctionsTable 3-11. HARS Control Functions and Alignment MethodsDoppler Navigation SetsTable 3-12. AN/ASN-128 Control and Indicator FunctionsTable 3-12. AN/ASN-128 Control and Indicator Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_200Table 3-12. AN/ASN-128 Control and Indicator Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_201Methods of OperationTable 3-13. AN/ASN-128 Window DisplaysEntering UTM DATAEntering Present Position or Destination Varia- tion In LAT/LONGUpdate of Present Position From Land- markTransferring Variation From One Location to AnotherTable 3-14. AN/ASN137 Control and Display FunctionsTable 3-14. AN/ASN137 Control and Display Functions continuedCDU DisplaysADMIN Page HBCM Page.Table 3-15. WaypointsADMIN Figure 3-22. FDLS Page Continuous Test ResultsCDU or DNS Memory ZeroizePPOS Updates to a Stored Waypoint Coordi- nate. PPOSFLY TO Destination SelectionTable 3-17. Spheroid String EntriesTable 3-19. UTM Coordinate Data Valid EntriesTable 3-20. LAT/LONG Coordinate Data Target StorageINTEGRATED NAVIGATION SYSTEMINTEGRATED NAVIGATION SYSTEM Cont.Embedded GPS Inertial (EGI).Table 3-21. Datum Names and CodesCOMPUTER DISPLAY UNIT (CDU) IP1552GTable 3-22. IP1552G CDU Control and Display Functions continuedCDU DisplaysNAV STAT 1Table 3-22.1. NAV TOP LEVEL PAGE VARIABLE ACTION BUTTONSFigure 3-25.2. ADMIN Page Top LevelTable 3-22.2. ADMIN SUB-PAGE VARIABLE ACTION BUTTONSTable 3-22.3. HBCM SUBPAGE VARIABLE ACTION BUTTONS Table 3-22.3. HBCM SUBPAGE VARIABLE ACTION BUTTONS continuedTable 3-22.4. OFS UPDATE SUBPAGE VARIABLE ACTION BUTTONSFigure 3-25.7. FPLN Second Level PageFigure 3-25.8. Selected Waypoint CoordinatesTable 3-22.6. WAYPOINT COORDINATE PAGE VAB OPERATIONSTable 3-22.7. WEAPON CONTROL PAGE VAB OPERATIONSFigure 3-25.10. CPG Video Target Report DataTable 3-22.9. DATA PAGE VAB OPERATIONSGPS NOGOTable 3-22.10. NAV SENSOR CONTROL PAGE VAB OPERATIONSTable 3-22.11. DTU PAGE VAB OPERATIONSTable 3-22.12. ZEROIZE PAGE VAB OPERATIONSFigure 3-25.18. PGM MENU PageTable 3-22.13. PGM MENU PAGE VAB OPERATIONS Table 3-22.14. BST EGI PAGE VAB OPERATIONS continuedTable 3-22.15. READ PAGE VAB OPERATIONSAlphanumeric Display (AND) PageFigure 3-25.23. EXTENDED ADVISORY MESSAGECoPilot Gunner High Action Display (HAD)Table 3-22.19. HSI Controls and IndicatorsSection IV. TRANSPONDER AND RADARFigure 3-26. Control Panel RT-1296/APX-100(V)1(IFF) and RT-1557/APX-100(V)1(IFF)Table 3-23. RT-1296/APX-100(V)1(IFF) and RT-1557/APX-100(V)1(IFF) Control and Indicator Functions continuedNormal Operation Emergency ModeALTIMETER AN/APN-209(V)Table 3-24. AN/APN-209(V) Altimeter Control and Indicator FunctionsCHAPTER 4 MISSION EQUIPMENTFLIGHT SYMBOLOGYTable 4-1. Flight Symbology DefinitionsTable 4-1. Flight Symbology Definitions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_265Table 4-1. Flight Symbology Definitions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_266Table 4-2. Video Display Unit Control/Indicator FunctionsTable 4-3. Video Recorder Control Panel/Indicator FunctionsTable 4-4. Data Entry Keyboard Control Functions DEK Special CharactersSection II. ARMAMENTFigure 4-5. Area Weapon System 30mm, M-230E1AERIAL ROCKET CONTROL SYSTEM (ARCS), 2.75 INCHPOINT TARGET WEAPONS SYSTEMFIRE CONTROL COMPUTER (FCC) MULTIPLEX BUS SUBSYSTEM (MUX)Figure 4-8. Multiplex Bus (1553)SYMBOL GENERATOR.AIR DATA SENSOR SUBSYSTEM (ADSS)WAYPOINT/TARGETINGConventional UsesRecall Updated Helicopter Present PositionINTEGRATED HELMET AND DISPLAY SIGHT SUBSYSTEM (IHADSS)Figure 4-9. Integrated Helmet and Display Sight SubsystemTable 4-5. Cyclic Stick Switch FunctionsCollective SwitchesPILOT ARMAMENT CONTROL PANELSTable 4-7. Pilot Aerial Rocket Control Panel/Indicator Functions continued Pilot Missile Control PanelFigure 4-12. Pilot Fire Control PanelTable 4-9. Pilot Fire Control Panel/Indicator Functions continued CPG ARMAMENT CONTROL PANELS.Table 4-10. CPG Missile Control Panel Functions Figure 4-14. CPG Fire Control PanelTable 4-11. CPG Fire Control Panel FunctionsTable 4-11. CPG Fire Control Panel Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_298Table 4-11. CPG Fire Control Panel Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_299XTERNAL STORES SUBSYSTEM (ESS)OPTICAL RELAY TUBE (ORT) CONTROLS AND DISPLAYSTable 4-12. ORT and Hand Controls/Display FunctionsTable 4-12. ORT and Hand Controls/Display Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_303Table 4-12. ORT and Hand Controls/Display Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_304Table 4-12. ORT and Hand Controls/Display Functions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_305Table 4-13. TADS Equipment Data Auto Drift NullFigure 4-16. TADS/PNVS Equipment DataFigure 4-17. Weapons Symbology ModesTable 4-15. Weapons Symbology Definitions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_310Table 4-15. Weapons Symbology Definitions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_311HIGH ACTION DISPLAY (HAD)Table 4-16. High Action Display Sight StatusTable 4-16. High Action Display Sight Status continuedTable 4-16. High Action Display Sight Status continuedTable 4-17. High Action Display Range and Range Source continuedTable 4-18. High Action Display Weapons Status continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_317Table 4-18. High Action Display Weapons Status continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_318Table 4-19. High Action Display Opposite Crew Station Weapon Control Table 4-20. Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_320Table 4-20. Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_321Table 4-20. Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_322Table 4-20. Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_323Table 4-20. Alpha/Numeric Display Message Location and Description continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_324 CBHK DATA VALIDATION ARMAMENT PREFLIGHT PROCEDURESTADS Operational Checks - CPG TADS Manual Servo Drift NullTADS Outfront BoresightTADS Manual Boresight Adjust FIRE CONTROL PANEL SET RAPID REARMINGARMAMENT INFLIGHT PROCEDURESFigure 4-19.1. AWS Harmonization Wide FOV Corrector GuideFigure 4-19.2. AWS Harmonization Narrow FOV Corrector GuideAWS HARMONIZATION Point Target Weapons SystemRipple Mode LOALSection III. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE DEFENSE EQUIPMENTRadar Countermeasures Set Control PanelTable 4-21. Dispenser Control Panel Control/Indicator FunctionTable 4-22. Electronic Module Switch FunctionsTable 4-23. AN/APR-39(V)1 Radar Warning System (CRT) Control/Indicator FunctionsDiscriminator Off ModeRadar Warning Discriminator On Mode DisplayRADAR WARNING SYSTEM AN/APR-39A(V)1AN/APR-39A(V)1 Radar Warning Display Con- trols.Figure 4-26. Radar Warning Receiver Check Display AN/AVR-2 (V)1 LASER DETECTING SETCHAPTER 5 OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONSSection II. SYSTEM LIMITSENGINE TURBINE GAS TEMPERATURE (TGT _C)ENGINE GAS GENERATOR SPEED (N G )Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 5 of 5)Section III. POWER LIMITSSection IV. LOADING LIMITSSection V. AIRSPEED LIMITS MAXIMUM AND MINIMUMFigure 5-2. Airspeed Operating Limits Chart (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-2. Airspeed Operating Limits Chart (Sheet 2 of 2)Section VI. MANEUVERING LIMITSFigure 5-3. Flight Envelope ChartSection VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONSSection VIII. OTHER LIMITSCHAPTER 6 WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADINGFigure 6-1. Station DiagramSection II. WEIGHT AND BALANCEWEIGHT AND BALANCE CLEARANCE FORM F, DD FORM 365-4Table 6-1. Helicopter CG Movement When Loaded Items Are ExpendedSection III. FUEL AND OILTable 6-2. Fuel Loading Forward TankTable 6-3. Fuel Loading Aft TankTable 6-4. Auxiliary Fuel TanksSection IV. PERSONNELSection V. MISSION EQUIPMENTFigure 6-2. External Stores and StationsTable 6-6. Hellfire Missile LoadingTable 6-8. Rocket (2.75) Loading for MPSM Warhead with MK66 MotorTable 6-10. Chaff Dispenser and CartridgesSection VI. CARGO LOADINGSection VII. CENTER OF GRAVITYNORMAL LONGITUDINAL CENTER OF GRAVITY LIMITSCHAPTER 7 PERFORMANCE DATA FOR AH-64A HELICOPTERS EQUIPPED WITH T-700-GE-701 ENGINESUSE OF PERFORMANCE CHARTSABBREVIATIONS - TM-1-1520-238-10_388Section II. MAXIMUM TORQUE AVAILABLE - TM-1-1520-238-10_389Figure 7-2. Maximum Torque Available Chart (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-2. Maximum Torque Available Chart (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-3. Torque Factor ChartFigure 7-4. Torque Conversion ChartSection III. HOVER CEILING - TM-1-1520-238-10_394Figure 7-5. Hover Ceiling ChartSection IV. HOVER LIMITS - TM-1-1520-238-10_396Figure 7-6. Hover ChartSection V. CRUISE - TM-1-1520-238-10_398CONDITIONS.Figure 7-7. Cruise Chart, ExampleFigure 7-8. Cruise Chart, Example, Sea Level, +10 CFigure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 7-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level 50 C (Sheet 7 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 6 of 7)Figure 7-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 40 and 30 C (Sheet 7 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C (Sheet 1 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C (Sheet 2 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C (Sheet 3 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C (Sheet 4 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, +20 and +30 C (Sheet 5 of 7)Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, +20 and +30 C (Sheet 6 of 7Figure 7-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, +20 and +30 C (Sheet 7 of 7)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 6)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 6)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 6)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 6)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 6)Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 6 of 6)Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 30 and 20 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 3 of 5Figure 7-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 4 of 5Figure 7-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 10 and 0 C (Sheet 5 of 5Figure 7-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7-17. Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 50 and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 30 and 20 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 30 and 20 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 30 and 20 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 30 and 20 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Section VI. DRAG - TM-1-1520-238-10_454Figure 7-18. Drag Chart and Authorized Armament Configurations (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-18. Drag Chart and Authorized Armament Configurations (Sheet 2 of 2)Section VII. CLIMB-DESCENT - TM-1-1520-238-10_457Figure 7-19. Climb-Descent ChartCHAPTER 7A PERFORMANCE DATA FOR AH-64A HELICOPTERS EQUIPPED WITH T-700-GE-701C ENGINES USE OF PERFORMANCE CHARTSFigure 7A-1. Temperature Conversion ChartSection II. MAXIMUM TORQUE AVAILABLE - TM-1-1520-238-10_463Figure 7A-2. Maximum Torque Available Chart (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 7A-2. Maximum Torque Available Chart (Sheet 2 of 3Figure 7A-2. Maximum Torque Available Chart (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 7A-3. Torque Factor ChartFigure 7A-4. Torque Conversion ChartSection III. HOVER CEILING - TM-1-1520-238-10_469Figure 7A-5. Hover Ceiling Chart (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-5. Hover Ceiling Chart (Sheet 2 of 2)Section IV. HOVER LIMITS - TM-1-1520-238-10_472Figure 7A-6. Hover ChartSection V. CRUISE - TM-1-1520-238-10_474ENG INLET ANTI-ICEFigure 7A-7. Cruise Chart, ExampleFigure 7A-8. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, +10 C ExampleFigure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 30 C and 20 C (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 10 C and 0 C (Sheet 3 of 6)Figure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 10 C and 0 C (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 10 C and 0 C (Sheet 5 of 6)Figure 7A-9. Cruise Chart, Sea Level, 10 C and 0 C (Sheet 6 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 6)Figure 7A-10. Cruise Chart, 2,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 6 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 6)Figure 7A-11. Cruise Chart, 4,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 6 of 6)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7A-12. Cruise Chart, 6,000 Feet, +30 C and +40 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7A-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7A-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 30 C and 20 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7A-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 30 C and 20 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7A-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 30 C and 20 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7A-13. Cruise Chart, 8,000 Feet, 30 C and 20 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7A-14. Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7A-14. Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5Figure 7A-14. Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7A-14. Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7A-14. Cruise Chart, 10,000 Feet, +30 C and +40 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7A-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7A-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7A-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7A-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7A-15. Cruise Chart, 12,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7A-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 7A-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 7A-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 7A-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 7A-16. Cruise Chart, 14,000 Feet, +30 C (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 7A-17. Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 7A-17. Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 7A-17. Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 7A-17. Cruise Chart, 16,000 Feet, 50 C and 40 C (Sheet 4 of 4)Section VI. DRAG - TM-1-1520-238-10_525Figure 7A-18. Drag Chart and Authorized Armament Configurations (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7A-18. Drag Chart and Authorized Armament Configurations (Sheet 2 of 2)Section VII. CLIMB-DESCENT - TM-1-1520-238-10_528Figure 7A-19. Climb-Descent ChartCHAPTER 8 NORMAL PROCEDURESSection II. OPERATING PROCEDURES AND MANEUVERSRight Side Under Side Fuselage (Area 1)Figure 8-1. Exterior Check DiagramRight Side Rear Center Fuselage (Area 5) Left Side Wing (Area 9) TRANS switch OFFINTR LT panel As desired BEFORE STARTING APU PILOTBEFORE STARTING APU CPGAFTER STARTING APU PILOTSTARTING ENGINES PILOT. MASTER CAUTIONTAXI CHECK.AFTER LANDING CHECKENGINE SHUTDOWN Section III. INSTRUMENT FLIGHTSection IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICSSection V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSENGINE STARTINGThunderstorm OperationGROUND OPERATIONS DURING HIGH WINDS.CHAPTER 9 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY EXITS AND EQUIPMENT Emergency EgressFigure 9-1. Emergency Exits and EquipmentENGINE FAILURE AND ENGINE POWER LOSSGENERALSingle Engine Failure Low Altitude/Low Air- speed and CruiseFigure 9-2. Height Velocity Plots (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-2. Height Velocity Plots (Sheet 2 of 2) Dual Engine FailureFigure 9-3. Autorotative Glide Chart Engine Alternator MalfunctionENGINE RESTART DURING FLIGHT Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust in Cruise FlightTail Rotor Fixed Pitch Malfunction FIRESEngine/Fuselage Fire on Ground. If ENG FIRE PULL Aborting Engine Start.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURESLANDING AND DITCHINGLAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLESection II. MISSION EQUIPMENT Symbol Generator Failure.Section III. CAUTION/WARNING LIGHT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - TM-1-1520-238-10_574Table 9-1. Caution/Warning Light Corrective Actions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_575Table 9-1. Caution/Warning Light Corrective Actions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_576Table 9-1. Caution/Warning Light Corrective Actions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_577Table 9-1. Caution/Warning Light Corrective Actions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_578Table 9-1. Caution/Warning Light Corrective Actions continued - TM-1-1520-238-10_579APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-1-1520-238-10_580APPENDIX A REFERENCES Cont.APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMSAppendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_583Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_584Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_585Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_586Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_587Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_588Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_589Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_590Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_591Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_592Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_593Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_594Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_595Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_596Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_597Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_598Appendix B Abbreviations and Terms (cont) - TM-1-1520-238-10_599AN/APR-39A(V)1 Radar Warning Display ControlsAN/ASN-137 Area Weapons Subsystem (AWS HARMONIZATION) Page (EGI)AN/ASN-137 Weapon Control (WPN CONTROL) Page (EGI)Anti-Ice Control Panels, Pilot and CPGBefore Landing Check - TM-1-1520-238-10_605Chart, Drag and Authorized Armament ConfigurationsCircuit Breaker Panels, Pilot CPG - Armament Control PanelsCruise Charts, Airspeed -701 EngineDirection Finder Set, AN/ARN-89 Controls and FunctionEngine and APU Fire Extinguishing SystemExterior Check - Right Side - Lower Center FuselageFlight Characteristics, GeneralHAVE QUICK Emergency Startup of TOD Clock RT-1167C/ARC-164(V)Indicator, Stabilator Position (figure)Limits, Maneuvering Modes of Operation, AN/ASN-128 Performance Charts, Data Basis -701C EnginePersonnel GeneralPPOS - Partial Entry Rules (table) Rockets (2.75) Stabilator Operation NOE/APPR ModeTransponder Computer, KIT-1A/TSEC and KIT-1C/TSECWeapons Symbology